Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Netgear Faq: Netgear Repeater Bridge

William asks…

Repeater Bridge Question?!?

i have a homehub2 and a netgear DG834G.. can i set up the netgear to bridge the wireless signal from the homehub? thanks.

netgear answers:

Unless you are using one of the routers that there is hacked firmware for, like many of the linksys models, the no. It is not possible to bridge two routers together. Now if you want to purchase two bridges to connect to the two routers, then it is possible....

Paul asks…

Is it possible to bridge a DD-WRT Linksys Router(N) with a stock Netgear router(G) to increase range?

Is it possible to bridge a DD-WRT Linksys Router(N) with a stock Netgear router(G) to increase range? It seems that I get weak signals here in my room and the most probable solution is to DD-WRT the Linksys since it is the only one supported by DD-WRT firmware and repeater bridge it with my stock G router netgear. Any thoughts? Is it even possible? Thanks!

netgear answers:

You don't need DD-WRT for this, indeed it can't help you since the range is determined by the hardware. Program each router to the identical SSID and encryption settings (type and key) and run an ethernet cable between them. It's easiest if you turn DHCP off on one of them too.

David asks…

Wireless Repeater Bridge...?

okay i have a bthomehub2 as my master.. i also have a old netgear wgr614 v9 laying around.. i dint think its DD-WRT compatible but i was wondering if there was any way i could use the netgear wgr614v9 as a bridge from the homehub? thanks

netgear answers:

It's not clear what you're trying to do. Are you trying to use it as a wireless range extender? Or were you planning to use it as an additional access point and wire it to the master? If you want to use it as a range extender, both routers needed to support WDS. (And make sure to disable its DHCP server!)

Donald asks…

setting up a repeater/ wifi bridge?

hello anyone i am trying to set up a wifi repeater with my neighbors wifi so i can boost the signal and not have it be weak....but we cant seem to fully figure it out he has a netgear and i have a zonet zsr1134we, we are trying to link them...and so far both of our mac addresses are in each others router and they try to connect but it cant do it fully now my settings for a bridge i guess are ad, ad+wds or just wds now i don't fully know how to configure my router to become a repeater and i was hoping you guys could help i already changed my ip so they wouldn't clash but what now?

netgear answers:

Check to see if the router(s) can be set up with bridge settings. You can find that out looking at the routers manual.

What you want to do, and the details you are giving us, leads me to think you haven't done this before, which is OK.

What you need to do is, look at the router manuals, pick up a networking book at your library and read about what you want to do. Once you have done that, you will then have more information for us to help you. Meaning you till be able to explain your problem more techy like :)

Good luck!

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  1. Hai Netgear Supprt,

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