Friday, July 13, 2012

Netgear Faq: Netgear Wnr2000 Wireless N Router

Chris asks…

How do I set up the Netgear Wireless N Router WNR2000 for wireless?

Ok, I recently bought the Netgear wireless-N router (WNR2000) so I could use the wireless on my Acer Aspire One laptop that I also just bought. I have it all hooked up, and when i tried to get the wireless, it just said acquiring network address, then it quit trying. I also tried to use the wirless on my Nintendo DS but it says that the access point's security settings are not supported by the DS. Before I bouht the wireless N I had the G and I gave it to someone else to try and it worked for them on their laptop and i had it hooked up exactly the way they did. If anyone has any advice for me, it would be greatly apprecited. I''m mainly worried about getting the Acer to pick up the signal, the DS would just be a bonus. Thanks!!
Ok i gpt the ds to work. I still need to get the Acer to pick up the address

netgear answers:

Change your security on the router from WPA to WEP. That should work

Charles asks…

I have a Netgear WNR2000 router and a RangeMax Wireless N usb WN111 and have been experiencing drops and weak?

is there additional equipment I would need to buy as the router and modem is located in the basement and cannot be moved since it belongs to my inlaws and I live upstairs at the end of the hall and previously owned a linksys wireless G router and adapter and traded up to an N router and adapter just a different brand but it seems to work worse than better. I only upgraded to after the signal began to degrade over time which has been going on three years. Can any one help?

netgear answers:

Ok so the wifi radio signal is weak because of the walls and floors and appliances in the house. So it is really a radio signal issue. First the N type does not help much unless the router is also an N type. Second, I looked up the WN111. It does not have an external antenna. There are some USB adapters that have an antenna sticking out of it. These are better than the ones with the antenna hidden inside. Third, that external antenna can be removed and you can replace that external antenna with a High Gain antenna. Most online or local computer stores have these.

Donald asks…

I have a netgear wireless-N 300 router? WNR2000?

I have that netgear wifi router and it works great for my ipod touch, connection wise. However, I'm not getting any push notifications. (The messages that pop up when i have something new on facebook or won something in a game or a new email) i have everything on my ipod turned on for push notifications, and when i go to other wifi places like a coffee shop or a friends house my notifications work. is there anything i can do to get these notifications. Thanks for the help!

netgear answers:

It is a DNS issue... Your internal DNS on your router is pointing you to a different location than your external address for your mail server. The iPod/iPhone OS does not support DNS rewrite with the push and it breaks things.

To fix push... Set a static DNS entry for your mail server that matches the external link for your mailserver (same name and same IP address).

Thomas asks…

My Netgear wireless-N router Wii help!?

my netgear wireless-n router (WNR2000) will only connect to my wii if its turned on and off. can anyone help me here?
my wireless-n netgear router (WNR2000) wont work with my wii unless the router is turned on and off. Any help?

netgear answers:

Do PC's lose connection to the wireless router?
IF YES, troubleshoot ROUTER configuration.
IF NO, the problem is probably the Wii configuration, NOT the router.
- - -
Connect Modem [wired] to Router [wireless] to PC.
Set router POWER OFF.
Reset modem: With a straightened paperclip, press RESET button momentarily.
Wait 60 secs.
Set router POWER ON.
Reset router: With a straightened paperclip, press RESET button momentarily.
Wait 60 secs.
PC Command Line:
Click [Start] - Click [Run...] - enter: cmd, Click [OK]
At the prompt (c:.....>) enter: ipconfig /release, press [ENTER]
At the prompt (c:.....>) enter: ipconfig /renew, press [ENTER]
TEST: Open Web Browser: Connect to Internet.
If SUCCESS: Repeat Steps after PC Command Line on other PCs.
At the prompt (c:.....>) enter: ipconfig /all, press [ENTER]
Ensure DHCP Enabled == YES
If IP Address == OR to, connect Modem [wired] to Router [wired] to PC and perform ALL steps again.

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