Saturday, July 21, 2012

Netgear Faq: Netgear Modem Password

Donald asks…

Cant remember my Netgear modem password?

how do i find it

netgear answers:

You can't. If you changed it at installation you out of luck, you will have to reset (pressing little button with a pen) in order to gain access to it. Before you do that, be aware that all the settings you presently have like wireless ssid, password, pppoe settings, mac addresses allowed, etc, will be erased and the modem/router will be brought to the factory settings. If you didn't change password at installation (which would have been a dumb thing to do) then you can google for some default passwords for netgear modem/router. Good luck

John asks…

netgear wifi modem, Need PASSWORD HELP?

i just got a netgear wifi modem for my house. i went throught the whole instalation process but forgot to put a password in, so now it is just default what the connection is called. i need instructions on how to change it? where or what to i need to do? thanx

netgear answers:

Reset the modem, power down wait 30 seconds it should then ask for a new one

Thomas asks…

ive forgotten the password to my netgear modem, i need it to access the internet on ipod touch. ?

does anyone know how to find it out

netgear answers:

The only way to get through it is to reset your router modem.. Look at it and look for a reset on it, press it and then reset your password on it..

Good luck..

Joseph asks…

I have a netgear wireless modem router and want to set up a password so that only I can access the net. HOW?!?

I have a netgear wireless modem router and want to set up a password so that only I can access the net, through my wifi laptop. Everyone else has password protection on internet use and mine is often slowed down by people jumping my connection. ~But I don't have a clue how to block them. please help!

netgear answers:

By far the best thing you can do is set up your router for mac filtering. This is were you tell the router which pices of hardware can access your router. It's better than WEP which I could probably crack in less than a minute. Here's how you do it.

Access your router as normal through internet explorer. Under maintenance click on attached devices. Listed here will be all the wireless equipment that is currently accessing your router. If there is only one item there then that's good, becasue that is your laptop. Make a note of the mac address.

If there is more than one item in there go to start, run, type in cmd and hit enter. You will see a black box with cursor flashing. Type in ipconfig/all then hit the enter key.

Under where it says ethernet adapter wireless netwrok coonection it gives a physical address something like 00-16-D4-60-A5-30 This is YOUR wireless mac address for your laptop. Write it down.

On your router settings go to wireless settings then click on set up access list. Now you need to add your laptop mac address manually if it is not in the trusted wireless stations.Type in a name, say my laptop and put the mac address in the box below it. Make sure you add your laptop to the list and at the very top of the page put a TICK in where it says turn access control on. Make sure you click apply at bottom of the page.

Now only your laptop will be able to access te router.

I have tried this many times with different laptops, wireless adapters and no way can I hack my own router.

Hope this helps.

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