Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Netgear Faq: Netgear Wgr614 Manual

John asks…

how do i enable port fowarding on my netgear wgr614 wirless router?

i have problems playing my ps3 online.. the game's manual says i need to foward port 4658 to the ip address assigned to my ps 3 system.. also says that i may need to change my "automatic" (ohcp) ip address to a "manual" ip address in the playstation system software screen

netgear answers:


For the Play station 3 select Manuals -> go to User's Guides -> Go to settings -> Go to network settings

Then go to Internet Connection Settings (advanced settings).
"IP Address Setting" select manual and enter IP address. Look at router dhcp to see the range from which you can get static ip address for ps3


above link is for port forwarding NBA2k7 (so with different port no 3658,9570 being forwarded) so keep in mind and use it as guide for NBA2k8(which I assume, is your game) the port no 4658

Paul asks…

Help needed connecting Nintendo DS to NETGEAR WGR614 v4

I'm trying to connect my Nintendo DS to the wireless router for the first time, using the Nintendo Wi-fi thing.
I was unable to access the router's settings on as it's not accepting admin/password, and I don't know what the combination is.
I've gone into the control panel and changed it from WPA to WEP and input a hexidecimal key, which has been accepted fine. I then put this into my DS on the manual settings screen, but when I try to connect, I just keep getting the same error msg saying it's unable to connect and to move it within range.
What have I done wrong/failed to do?
Will it be best to just reset the router and start the setting up again from scratch?

netgear answers:

I had this problem before with my wireless router, My DS was only able to connect when I removed the WEP or WPA,, So i would suggest you do the same first before reconfiguring your router, to secure your router without WEP do mac filtering for wireless connection.

Donald asks…

Help!! I just bought this refurbished netgear WGR614 router and cant get it to go wireless?

I got stuck at the point where it says type in http://192..168.0.0 into the explorer and it wont go ahead from there. The stuff did not come with a CD neither did it come with a manual.........please help me to make this work.
THank you

netgear answers:

The wireless router should automatically go wireless no more than 45 seconds after you hook it up to your computer/network so i dunno man.

Thomas asks…

How to set Gateway in bridge mode in order to use Netgear WGR614 wireless router?

I am using internet connection from Sify Broadband in india and i am not using any modem and i have just one cable coming to the ethernet port at the back of my pc. i want to use the internet at my desktop pc as well as wirelessly on my laptop.Error message is "Follow the instructions in the gateway manual to set it in bridge mode. Then, install and configure your new NETGEAR router as though you were connecting the NETGEAR router to a modem".

netgear answers:

Open your router and set the ip address that you have received from the sify and try it will work.
Remove the ip address from your desktop and select dhcp option.
It will configure the ip address fro the router by self.
If you still facing the same issur talk with your service provider they will help you.

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