Thursday, March 8, 2012

Netgear Faq: Netgear N300 Wireless Router

Ken asks…

NetGear Wireless Router Question - Can I plug this router into a phone line and a IEEE instead of a modem/DSL?

I don't know much about connecting to the internet when using a router. I really thought a router and modem was the same thing untill I realized after buying NetGear's N300 wireless gigabit router that I might have to buy a modem also.

On the requirements for the netgear router it says that I need cable or dsl and modem with ethernet connection.

Then right below that, it stats that I need a IEEE 802 2.4 ghz and a ethernet 7 or xp ETC....


I'm confused, I have a wireless IEEE 802 2.4 ghz adapter. would i really need a dsl/cable modem if I have wireless bult into my desktop?

A phone line that has a internet service in use work with a router also?

NOTE: I dont have a internet service comming though my phone line at the moment. I figure I should just ask first instead of paying for a service when I'm using a free wifi connection. BTW, if you wondering why I would pay for a service if I have a free wifi connection, it's because the service is extremely slow.

netgear answers:

I'm not totally sure what you're saying, but here's some blanket information.
If the phone line has ethernet(Rj45 connector) to connect to a computer, you should be able to plug the router into it no problem, and your ISP should have tech support to help you do this. The only way it WOULD NOT work is if the phone cable (Rj11 connector) was supposed to go right into the computer. Most routers do not support dial up.

Thomas asks…

Netgear DGN2200 N300 Wireless ADSL +2 Modem Router help?

I haven't yet purchased a wireless router and I am getting pretty fed up of not having one, I was just wondering is it possible to plug a desktop computer directly into the back of the modem router and get an internet connection to that computer while still producing a wireless signal so I can surf while on my laptop? If so what will I need to make this happen?

netgear answers:

Yes its possible to do that...
With the help of a combo router which is a combination of a modem and a router u can connect pc wired and wirelessly..

U'll need he router+1 internet connection+1LAN cable/CAT5 cable+network card in PC+wireless network card in laptop

1.connect the internet connection to the internet port on the back of the router
2.connect one end of LAN cable/cat-5 cable to one of the 4 ports on the back of router.
3.the other end will go to the PC's network card RJ45/LAN port.
4.Once this is setup, turn the router on first, then the PC and then the wireless switch on the laptop.
5.U should be able to go online computer.
6.once wifi switch is on the laptop, discover the network and connect to it.

Simple..!!! Hope it helps....

Michael asks…

Can I get wifi with Netgear N300 Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router (DGN2200)?

I have an AT&T modem with no WiFi, If i buy this will I get wifi it says that it is compatible with AT&T.

thanks for helping!!!

netgear answers:

Hello there

I guess YES you can

as you see theres 2 antenas in the modem so it got wirelesss

but i prefer Linksys, i know its expensive but its the best and lives with you for ages

Donald asks…

Can I buy and use a different Netgear internet router and still use the internet like nothing happened?

I have an old netgear DG3008Gv2 or something similar and I want a newer Netgear Wireless N300 Modem Router

I'm contract with AOL

Can i just literally take the old one out and plug this in (with the First time setup ofcourse) and im all done? no need to call AOL or NETGEAR for anything?

netgear answers:

Yes you can buy another router and use it in place of the existing one you already have. The only thing that cannot be changed is the internet modem which is given to you by the internet company.

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