Saturday, March 17, 2012

Netgear Faq: Netgear Router Setup Ip

Joseph asks…

My netgear router same ip as my modem?

when i setup my network my dynalink Modem has the same ip as my netgear router thats why i cant make a network how can we all solve this people? this is two company's here with the same ip

netgear answers:

Change the I.P. Address on the router. This is not difficult. Look up the specific instructions on your manufacturer's website.

Somewhere around

Paul asks…

How to deploy netgear wireless router with a Cisco router connected to a leased line?

Heres how my network is connected.

internet leased line -- cisco router-- switch - endusers-----------------> this is all wired network.

there is a ethernet cable from switch to ethernet port f 0/0 on cisco router.

ip address of this port on cisco router which also servers as the default gateway (to internet) for internal users is and all internal users have ip from the same range.

there is one F0/1 port on cisco router free on the Cisco router in a shut down state.

the external serial interface has a internet ip and is a point to point link.

we have NAT configured on our Cisco router with a pool of 5 static ips in it. We are now going to deploy a wireless solution for our Laptop users. In view of that my boss has already bought a new NETGEAR wireless router. how can i incorporate this router in our present setup. Netgear router has single "internet" ethernet port and few lan ethernet ports.but i dont see where and how to connect this router and how it will work. I see a problem with distributing ip address to internal wireless users.
please somebody help me out.

netgear answers:

Your boss should be fired. You already have a router on the network, there is no need to add another router. If the goal is just to add wireless functionality to the network, then all you need is a Wireless Access Point (WAP). But I digress...

Firstly, do not plug the Netgear router into your network until you log into it and disable its router functions. Turn off DHCP, turn off routing, turn off NATing, turn off the built-in firewall. All you need it to do it to broadcast a wireless signal. Give it a static ip address outside of your DHCP pool, and let whatever device is currently managing DHCP do so. Plug the Netgear into your switch. Now, all users who connect wirelessly will go through the switch, just like all of the wired users.

Michael asks…

Can my netgear wireless router work without my dlink modem which works on dynamic ip via mtnl broadband ?

i have recently purchased a netgear wireless modem
acc. to the setup, it must be connected with my mtnl modem
i did so and it works fine.
can i not use the wireless router instead
i have a cable line which can be connected to the router same as it was connected to the modem
will it work ?
i want to utilise the other modem elsewhere.

netgear answers:

First.....your provider would have to allow the device to be authenticated within their system. If the manufacture and/or model number is different between the two devices then they may not support the device. It is your provide and ask.


John asks…

Why I can't Setup a Netgear router?

I just bought a new Netgear N300 Wireless Router because I need one for my PS3. The problem is that when I'm setting up the router in my computer it asks me for IP Address, Subnet Mask, DNS Servers ect.. After I put everything correctly it won't work. I try like 20 times already and it happens over and over again. Where can I get all the correct information (if that's the problem) of my IP Static?

netgear answers:

You don't really need to put anything on those boxes. In the Basic Settings, just select the 'Get dynamically from the ISP' and 'Get Automatically from ISP' for the Internet IP Address and the DNS Address, respectively. Select also the 'No' under the 'Does your Internet connection require a login?'

After that, go to the Wireless Settings to set your Security Options and Passphrase.

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