Saturday, January 5, 2013

is the Linksys EA4500 router good even after what I've been hearing?

Q. i heard this router is great, until the latest firmware update. then i heard it screwed up the whole thing including it will track information. is this true and is it still a good router?

A. Manufacture release firmware without testing which causes this problem, they release new updates to fix those bugs, Linksys is a good brand you can choose any router as per your usage.

How do you update a linksys router firmware without the configuration screen?
Q. I have a linksys wrt54gs v.5 wireless router and when I try to configure it the configuration screen comes up with no links or text input box labels. Is there any way to reset the firmware without the configuration screen?

A. if the problem is you dont have the password, you will have to reset the device. Check there website, its fairly simple to do and will reset all the settings back to the defaults including the password

How do I block a network from interfering with my linksys?
Q. I use a Linksys router for my laptop. I am having trouble with a network called Crazy Texan that takes over and runs instead of the Linksys. The Crazy Texas is much slower and really messes me up. How do I block it?

A. Check to make sure the router is running the latest firmware. I had a similar problem with a client that was in an office building right next to a Hyatt Hotel. The Hyatt's wireless signal was killing everything close. I checked with Linksys, who directed me to the updated firmware. I downloaded & installed the firmware update, and . . . poof! Problem solved!

Does anyone else have a lot of problems with their Linksys router or modem?
Q. I have a Linksys router and modem and I keep having problems with it. It's not the cable company. Does anyone else have problems with theirs I have wrt54g.

A. I tried 3 different WRT54G's before I gave up on Linksys. Updated firmware, tried every combination of static and dhcp I could imagine, and still, about every 3-4 days, it would have to be reset due to no internet connection. LAN worked fine, just stopped talking to the modem. Bought a D-link, no more problems, until the power supply quit after 3 years. Replaced the D-link with a Netgear, It's been a year, no dropped connections yet. Some people swear by Linksys, but mine were a pain in the rear...

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