Saturday, January 19, 2013

How can i access my linksys router with while useing a Verizon modem?

Q. Im trying to access my Linksys Router by but it's just bringing me to my Verizon modems. Does anyone have any experience with this?

A. Try this link for default IP addresses and login info for a huge list of home networking products:

Hope it helps.

I have a linksys router and im trying to setup wirless internet through a motorola surf board modem?
Q. I plugged the modem into the linksys router (internet port) and had another ethernet cord connecting to the linksys to the computer (when doing this the computer plugged in doesnt even have internet). I dont have a setup disk for the router, and the linksys setup wizard from the site doesnt seem to work.

A. This could be a lot of things.
1. Reset your cable modem. Unplug for 10 seconds, then plug back in
2. hold down the little button on the linksys router (even if brand new) for like 30 seconds. It should reset to factory defaults.
3. Plug modem into internet port on router.
4. Plug computer into a free port on the router.
5. Check computer settings to make sure it does not have a static ip address. you can do this by going to network connections, Local Area Connection (which should show as connected or plugged in), then right clicking and selecting properties. Then look for TCP/IP properties, and you should see the area where you can change the IP and DNS settings. Make sure these are all blank.
6. You can open internet explorer and type Just that. nothing else.
7. it will ask you for username and password. username is admin, password either blank , or admin.

that should get you into router setup.

How to reset the linksys wrt54gs to original ip address and login information?
Q. I have a new internet address on my router for the internet and i forgot my stuff for the linksys router/bridge that i am using and now i need to restore it and connect it to my current router wirelessly and get the internet on there as well

A. Push a pin or tip of a paperclip inside the small hole at the back of the router. Hold it for at least 15 secs until the power light comes off and back on. That should reset the router to defaults.

If you reset a Linksys router will it do anything to the connections its already setup to?
Q. I have a linksys router and i wanted to get internet on my wii. And i forget my password so i want to reset it, but im not sure if it will do anything to the computers that have hooked up to it already. Will it?

A. It will disconnect. Also, all your wireless computers will still be using the old encryption key and won't be able to connect to the router. Also, the router will no longer have your Internet Service Provider's gateway IP address and Domain Name Server IP addresses. You'll have to set them all back up again.

All for a Wii?

Here's how to find the encryption key: If the encryption key isn't on a label on your wireless modem or router, the likeliest place to find it is in your router's admin pages. Exactly where in those pages varies from brand to brand. If you don't have a router, the following should apply to your modem itself.

Basically, to get into the admin pages, do this:

1.On a computer connected to a wired port on your router (wireless access to the admin pages should be turned off as a security risk), enter the router's local IP address in your browser's address window.ON A LINKSYS, THIS IS PROBABLY THE LOGIN IS USUALLY A BLANK USERNAME AND ADMIN AS THE PASSWORD.
2.Poke around, especially under wireless security, until you find the encryption key. Copy it down EXACTLY. Copy-and-pasting it into a text file (Wordpad is generally best because it's on almost all Windows machines) is even better, as it can be copy-and-pasted from there into whatever needs it. When you see it, you'll understand why this is a good idea.

To find your router�s IP address in Windows:

3.Click on the Start->Run button.
4.In the text box, type


and press Enter.

5.A black "DOS box" will pop up. In it, enter

ipconfig /all

A bunch of gibberish will fill the box. Next to "Default Gateway" an IP address will appear. This is your router's IP address.

Hope that helps.

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