Joseph asks…
How do I reset my Virgin Netgear wgr614v9 router?
I recently changed the settings on Our wireless router to exclude unknown MAC addresses but In doing so I locked myself out of the router.
I have read that I can reset my router from the back to restore the default username and password to virgin/password but I also read that I need an Ethernet cable to connect.
Does anyone know if I can just reset and then access the router wirelessly?
Thank you Kindly.
netgear answers:
No you won't be able to that's a security feature of the routers you can only connect with a physical connection to the router IE the network cable this is to stop people connecting to it before you set it up.
Daniel asks…
How do i set up a wireless network using a netgear WGR614v9 wireless router?
I need to set up a wireless network with my laptop and my computer to printer share. My laptop is upstairs and my computer is downstairs. I already have the laptop connected to the internet using the router. The printer is plugged into my computer using a USB so i need to set up a network so i can print something from laptop through the computer.
netgear answers:
From your writing the wireless side is already configured and working.
You did not state where router is relative to desktop.
If you can run a straight cat5 patch cord from desktop to one of the LAN ports of router you have finished making the network.
If you want wireless link between desktop and router, you need to purchase a wireless network interface for desktop (either a pci or even a usb style will work), install it, configure it similar to the way you configured the wireless notebook and you now have the desktop on network.
Make sure you share the printer that is linked to desktop and then use Printers and Faxes - Add printer to configure printer onto the notebook.
William asks…
I Have a netgear WGR614v9 wireless router, How do i password protect it so that my neighbours cant?
hijack my connection, i've logged into the router but all that info in there is gobbledegook to me, it may aswell be written in swahilli for all i understand about it !!!
netgear answers:
Turn on the wireless encryption, if you need any help you should be able to find help pages from whatever company the router is. When choosing the encryption type, WPA is the strongest encryption right now but if that's not an option WEP will do too. You will have to create a password and then anyone who wants to connect to your network will have to know the password.
For added security you can turn on MAC address filtering. I don't know how technical you are but if you're ok with computers you should be able to do this. Every device that can connect to a network has a unique MAC address, by filtering them you allow only certain addresses to access the wireless internet you have. But if you turn on this option you will have to add the MAC address of any device (computer, iPod, PSP, etc.) that you want to connect to your network.
If all that seems too complicated, don't worry about it. Just turning on the encryption and password protecting your network will do the job just fine.
Unfortunately I couldn't be too detailed in my instructions because every model of router can have a slightly different interface. But if you need any clarification contact me and describe what you're looking at and I'll be glad to help.
Michael asks…
How do I hook up my Netgear WGR614v9 wireless router to my vista 64-bit desktop?
We have gone through all of the directions to set up the router (like typing in the i.p address, etc.) and the router is still not working. Could you please help us out? Or at least tell us the problem?
Thanks so much!
netgear answers:
Well are you trying to do this on a wired connection?
What ip address are you getting a 192.168.1.x or a 169.*
to see this goto network and sharing in network connection and click on status of your local area click details it will show your ipv4 address
since without that dont know what the problem is, it could be firewall, network settings etc.
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