Monday, January 7, 2013

I want to turn my linksys wrt54g into a wired bridge?

Q. Ok , this problem is kinda everywhere there are plenty of solutions on how to turn it into a wireless bridge but i want to turn it into a wired bridge witch means. I want my westell router/modem to run through my linksys wrt54g (with DD-Wrt firmware) by an ethernet cord.

A. Your router has an integrated 4-port switch. A switch is just a somewhat selective bridge. Just shut down the radio and connect everything to the LAN side ports if you don't have a spare switch lying around.

How do you update a linksys router firmware without the configuration screen?
Q. I have a linksys wrt54gs v.5 wireless router and when I try to configure it the configuration screen comes up with no links or text input box labels. Is there any way to reset the firmware without the configuration screen?

A. if the problem is you dont have the password, you will have to reset the device. Check there website, its fairly simple to do and will reset all the settings back to the defaults including the password

Is holding the reset button after a firmware upgrade an important step for a succesfull upgrade?
Q. I have a Linksys WRT54G Version 5 router. I upgraded my firmware a while ago and not long after the routers wireless stopped working. I read on the Linksys website that you should hold the reset button for 30 seconds after an upgrade then unplug the router and plug it back in. Could not holding the reset button after an upgrade cause issues?

A. After a firmware upgrade, even if you reset the router, the latest firmware version will still be present. So it's impossible to undo a fimware upgrade just by resetting it (this is the reason why every manufacturer draws attention to the fact that firmware upgrade must not be interrupted becase you could end up destroying the router). Resetting the router will revert it to the factory defaults, but they refer ONLY to the settings (ip address, routing table, password, encryption or whatever settings you have made) not to the firmware.

Usually a firmware upgrade does not require a general reset. But you must take into account that there are differences between firmware versions and the settings which worked for the previous firmware version might not be compatible with the new version. For instance, Trendnet draws attention to the fact that after a firmware upgrade you will lose all the settings that corresponded to the previous version.

Only the manufacturer knows if the previous settings will work with the new firmware version. There might be minor upgrades which don't require resetting the router, but if the manufacturer states that the new firmware needs resetting then you should to this.

What routers have the best distance for a reasonable price?
Q. I am currently using the Linksys WRT54G with DD-WRT firmware and the distance isn't that great. I can pick up someones Belkin G Plus MIMO Router in my area better then my own home router.
I am looking at 1 of those for myself. Can anyone recommend a router with great distance? Thanks


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