Friday, January 4, 2013

I currently use Apple Airport for my wireless and want to add a Linksys WRT54G as a wireless extender.?

Q. I run my wireless through an Apple Airport and want to add my Linksys WRT54G as a wireless extender. Is this possible and how so? I also have an unused Motorola SBG900, not sure if that is useful as well in the setup as well.

A. This is a tricky question. You're on the right track, but actually getting it to work requires some technical expertise. The WRT54G, if you have the right version, is a brilliant device to hack to do exactly what you want.

To see if this can work, check the bottom label. If it says v4 (I believe) or lower, you're golden. There are dozens of open-source firmware enhancements for your router. If it's above that, that's okay too. Several firmware options still exist.

In any case, the two projects I'm familiar with are DD-WRT and Tomato. Tomato will only work if it's v4 or below, while DD-WRT is more versatile with the versions you can use.

Do a search for "DD-WRT WRT54G install vX" (where X is your version number). Once you're installed, there are a ton of tutorials for doing exactly what you're trying to do.

Good luck!

As a fair warning: Doing this to your router voids the warranty and can "brick" it, meaning it won't work anymore. To avoid this, follow the installation instructions to the letter, and maybe avoid walking under any ladders or breaking any mirrors. :-)

My linksys wrt54g router will not show up when connected to my computer through cable.?
Q. I have a linksys wrt54g router version 6 that will not work. the power light is flashing and the port 1,2,3,4 and internet light are on constantly. when i plug the router into my computer through an ethernet cable, none of my computers will "see" it. i think the firmware was delete. Is there any way to fix this?

A. It could be the router is faulty, or the power supply is dying.
I've seen the odd router not work properly because the power supply started to act up. However, you can only try the same supply from the same router,if you want to test this theory. You have to find someone with a wrt54g, and borrow their power supply for 5 minutes, that will tell right away...

If I recall correctly, that is a 12VDC, 0.5A (500mA) supply. Any good supply at 12VDC, around 1.0A will do for a test. make sure it is "DC", not "AC", and only 12V

How do i get this firmware off my LinkSys Wireless WRT54GS?
Q. I flashed the dd_wrt_micro firmware to my router hoping it would fix my problem. It didn't! I have a LinkSys WRT54GS v5 Wireless router and now I can not connect to the internet through it. How do I replace dd_wrt_micro with the original LinkSys firmware?


How can I get my DSL Modem to work with my Linksys Router?
Q. I have an Actiontec GT701R DSL Modem powered by Qwest and a Linksys WRT54G Router. I have other computers and printers in my home that need to be networked together. I cannot get the Linksys and the Actiontec to work together.

They both have the latest firmware versions installed.

I just want to plug my network devices into my linksys and then have it all move through the Actiontec out to the web. I also would like my wireless to work, but I just need the ethernet stuff to work at the moment.

I have a dire need to get this working as quickly as I can, please help.
I need to know about how I can get a route established either Dynamic or Static, what I can do about NAT (which device should run it) and how to get the linksys to point to the actiontect for internet information.

Please dont tell me to call qwest or run a dumb CD, those are dumb answers.

A. Well first we need to know if the modem handles PPPOE. if not then it is passive and you will have to fill that info out on the 54g as a WAN setting. PPPOE usually is an email address that comes with your service and a predetermined password. Regarding NAT... the 54g is a very solid router and I strongly suggest that you use the internal firewall built in the router, this would mean that if your modem does in fact have a NAT, you will have to disable it to get a useable and healthy statefull connection to the router.

If you were given a static IP from your ISP then you simply have to change the WAN setting on the router to static and input the IP address, gateway, and dns servers (use open dns!

feel free to contact me with any further questions.

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