Monday, January 14, 2013

How do i connect my wii to my Linksys E1000 router?

Q. I get error code 52232

A. you need to buy a special "nintendo" converter box that plugs into the wii and then the router. There are also different options so look in the wii owners manual.

how do you turn off ssid broadcast linksys e1000?
Q. how do you turn off ssid broadcast on linksys e1000?

A. go to linksys web site and download user manual for your router. and read it.

Cisco Linksys E1000 Not Receiving Internet?
Q. So we recently had an blackout unfortunately, but when I disconnected the ethernet cord from the modems and reconnected it back my internet modem stopped sending to the Cisco box. (like how it says "power, usb, enet, send, recv, sync, and ready") When I connect the ethernet cord to the computer it starts to send but why isn't it working for our wireless router when I connect it with the modem.

A. I suggest you uninstall everyprogram that is loaded at start-up. Also check your services. I believe there's something in there that McAfee uses. To be sure (except for services), run msconfig-->startup pane. Uncheck everything you don't recognise.

Flush the DNS Cache:

Windows 2000/XP: Fire up a Command Prompt (Start Menu>Accessories) and execute the command
ipconfig -flushdns

if you get 'could not flush dns' or message saying dns resolver cache could not be flushed.

If it is XP SP2 then go to Start > Run > CMD > type netsh winsock reset > enter, restart as prompted, if still no connection then go to Start, Control Panel (Network and Internet Connections then Network Connections -or- straight to Network Connections, double click on the Local Area Connection in use (usually the one that says Connected) and pick Support. Try the Repair button after Winsock fix. Use that winsock fix only if you are using SP2.

go to "start, control panel, administration tools,services,then look for DNS Client, and make sure it's started, and set to manual.

I hope that this will do the trick

Linksys wifi problems (setup fails)?
Q. hi there,
i need help setting up wifi on my linksys e1000. I wanna be able to get on facebook using my iphone and not eat up my data plan. please tell me how

A. Here is the user manual for your router:,0.PDF

Page 19

after you set up the wireless network connect your iphone to your wireless network.

When your contract is up get rid of the over priced toy.

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