Saturday, January 19, 2013

dd wrt router question?

Q. i have a linksys e1000 router. It is supported under dd wrt but i dont know what the revision number means on the site. My router model is version 1 but the firmware is 2.0.01 build 8. Which number is the revision referring to.

A. its your router model version, it should be listed with the model number on the router. From what you've said it should be v1.0.

It's listing the hardware revision rather then the software (firmware) revision, because its dealing with hardware compatibility.

Hope that helps.

can I access the internet from my phones AP using a wireless router?
Q. I need to access the internet on a desktop in a house that does not have internet. I can turn my phone into an access point and connect my macbook to it via the airport and I want to be able to access my phones connection on the desktop as well.

The desktop is connected to a modem via ethernet and i have a linksys e1000 wireless router connected to the modem.

im wondering if there is a way to use the e1000 as a form of wireless modem to locate my cell phones wireless signal and connect my desktop to it.

Not sure if this even makes much sense, but I figured I'd try! Let me know if you have any ideas! Thanks!

A. I'm not sure if the stock router's firmware can do it, but I know that DD-WRT can.

Basically you make a "bridge" - Router connects to phone and configures its DHCP clients with the phone as the gateway. Pretty simple, but not all routers support it by default. You may need to flash a custom firmware onto your router to enable the functionality.

Modem keeps rebooting over and over?
Q. Any ideas on how to fix this? I'm going to be calling ATT AGAIN to get ANOTHER technician to finally get it fixed. I'm not sure why it keeps doing this. We had just gotten Uverse internet about a couple weeks ago. And on the 1st day it was doing that. This only happens in the evening, too. In the morning it's okay, but once it's a certain time, the modem begins to reboot constantly. Like right now, this is the second time it has rebooted while typing this. I'm surprised I even got the chance to even get to this page.

My modem (Small, black motorola) is connected to a CISCO Linksys E1000 router (which is working just fine). I've also tried directly connecting the modem to my pc but it still does that. I won't be able to call ATT for a techie until early tomorrow morning (the best time to call).

So I was wondering if anyone has any ideas I can try to keep the internet on longer than 1-2 minutes at a time. : | Or thoughts on what could possible be the problem.

A. Once upon a time I bought a Linksys router (WRT-54Gv6 to be specific). I was foolish and purchased this router completely on brand recognition -- I had owned several other Linksys routers and they all worked flawlessly. This particular one was constantly dropping connections, locking up, etc. Complete garbage. Since I had bought it on eBay I was pretty much screwed for returns. Well then I did some research and found that this was the first model Linksys had released that was using a new firmware OS from VxWorks -- instead of their traditional Linux kernel. It was complete garbage! A year later they had finally update the firmware sufficiently that the router was reliable and worked just fine. In fact, that same router is still in use today.

Summary: Make sure your device is using the latest firmware. If it is and you're still having these issues, try to trade the modem for one that has mature firmware.

Which router is better to buy?
Q. Simple question. I currently have a WRT150N but want to upgrade.

SO which seems like the better buy?

A. well there really wont be any difference in real world performance. My question is, why are you looking at 2 year old parts ?

If you want the cheapest, get the Linksys E1000 - those 2 you linked to were popular years ago.

1 thing most people dont realize, all of those speed specs router manufacturers talk about - is just marketing BS. 90% of people/computers wouldnt see a difference between 802.11b and 802.11-n, even though -n is 25x faster in THEORY, most people's computers bottleneck in so many other areas, there will not be a difference. The only REAL advantage people will see is the distance advantage -n gives you.

If you have a new computer, and all the other computers on your network are -n capable - then network file transfers will be faster - but as far as the ridiculous speeds mentioned (like 300Mbps (which equals about 35MB/sec)) you'll get 8MB/sec AT MOST - and most people's internet connections are less 2MB/sec.

1MB = 8mb
MB = megabyte
mb = megabit

Just stick with Linksys (Cisco) and you'll be OK, use WPA2 encryption on your network and you'll be good to go -

If you are feeling cool, hop over to DD-WRT and see if either of those models are compatible w/ their 3rd party firmware and you can turn a $50 router into a $300 router...

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