Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Netgear Faq: Netgear Dgn3500

Mark asks…

Where can I buy the Netgear DGN3500 in the US?

I see on the Netgear website they released a North American firmware. I cant find where you can buy it here.

netgear answers:

They could have it in stores. But the only good way would be online.

George asks…

How to open NAT on the DGN3500!?

Hey Everyone!
I recently bought the 'Netgear DGN3500' and i was just wondering how i could open my NAT for xbox live and steam gaming? I used to be able to connect to MW3 perfectly (with my old router) but now my NAT isn't open with this new one. Any advice / tips?

netgear answers:

Follow these instructions http://portforward.com/english/routers/port_forwarding/Netgear/DGN3500/Call_of_Duty_-_Modern_Warfare_3.htm

Portforward.com is the best site for this.

Open, Close, Strict are all Microsoft terms that have little to do with anything else. What you are doing is known as Port Forwarding.

Charles asks…

Brand new Netgear router is slow?

We just recently bought a brand new NetGear DGN3500, which is supposed to be about 2 times as fast as our old router. When we first got it set up it was EXTREMELY slow. About 15 seconds to load a page. Then it became almost instant, now it takes about 3-4 seconds to load a page. I've cleared my cookies, cache, history, restarted my computer, but it doesn't do anything, I've tried different browsers and everything. This router is supposed to go two times as fast, but goes about half as fast.
Our other Router was an "N" as well. And speedtest.net said that my ping was very high it was around 450.
My previous Router was fine, it just broke from over heating, which was our fault, and it was 3 years old.
Also our previous router had speeds of 150. This one has 300.

netgear answers:

Your problem begins with 'Netgear router'. Not to sure who sold it to you with the 'supposed to go two times as fast' comment (how exactly is it 2x as fast? FastEthernet or Gigabit Ethernet ports? Larger tubes for the internets?) but you got taken.

Netgear routers are the bottom of the barrel for network gear at best. Completely unreliable, which is basically what you are experiencing.

On a side note tho, you might actually be having problems with your ADSL connection (since the router has a built in modem) you might want to check with your ISP to help troubleshoot packet loss or a slow speeds issue.

Richard asks…

Can my parents see what sites I go to through a netgear router?

This is the router:
Im not sure if they have set up parental control.

netgear answers:

My net-gear didn't record sites visited. I don't think it would. Anyway if your parents are bad with computers try and access the router by searching your default ip in your browsers address.

If it asks for you to login try

Username: Admin

Leave password blank. If that doesn't work try admin in both fields. If again unsuccessful then your parents most likely set up a login.

If you can access the router then have a browse through it and see if it is recording the sites you browse. I highly doubt this.

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